Green hydrogen in the Mallee

The Mallee Regional Innovation Centre has been investigating the suitability of hosting a green hydrogen hub in the Mallee.

The Mallee provides a number of competitive advantages in relation to hosting this new industry. This includes:

  • A rich solar resource for renewable energy and hydrogen production and seasonal storage
  • Concentrated agriculture and industrial infrastructure which could benefit from heavy duty hydrogen powered transport as well as back up generation
  • Large biomass resource which can complement hydrogen use for power generation
  • Access to transport infrastructure for a hydrogen export market
  • Advantage of provenance of Mallee region.

This presentation by Professor Paul Webley, Honorary (Professorial Fellow) at the University of Melbourne and Dr Rebecca Yee, Research Fellow from the Future Fuels CRC (Cooperative Research Centre) covers off on the following questions:

  • What is hydrogen and how do you make it?
  • How much solar do you need to make hydrogen?
  • How much water do you use to make hydrogen?
  • The hydrogen industry in Australia and the potential of its future. How is early development working?
  • The Mallee as a hydrogen hub.

Australia and hydrogen

Hydrogen is touted as Australia’s next biggest export and there are now opportunities and interest from within Australian and outside of Australia for parties to get involved in the establishment of the industry in Australia.

The Australian Government has developed a hydrogen strategy and investment in hydrogen projects is beginning. There is an acknowledge that there is an opportunity for Australia to take a lead in the emerging global market for low and zero emissions energy.

For further information about the government’s hydrogen strategy and activities, subscribe to Australian Hydrogen News.