Advertise an Upcoming Event

Let us help you to get the best turn out at your upcoming club events. We have three different ways on offer to assist in your advertising efforts outlined below.

Eng and IT Express Newsletter

We strongly encourage you to promote your events through the Eng & IT Express Newsletter. This is circulated on a fortnightly basis to many of our eager students looking to get involved in student club events and other activities around campus. Have an upcoming event you'd like to promote? Fill out the Qualtrics form below.

Submit a Newsletter Item

*Please note that your submissions will be featured in the most relevant newsletter edition.

Student Clubs and Societies Noticeboard

A noticeboard is available on the first floor of Old Engineering (with sliding glass panels facing the Student Lounge) exclusively for clubs to display upcoming events and other suitable material.

It is the responsibility of the student clubs and societies to maintain this noticeboard and ensure it remains clean at all times and that all displayed material is deemed appropriate. The Student Enrichment, Academic Support Office will monitor the noticeboard regularly.

Posters and publications

Important: Posters and publications will need to be planned well in advance of the date you plan on distributing them. Posters for events where alcohol will be served, need to comply with the following statement from the University’s Alcohol Management & Safety Checklist

"Advertisements for the event will not emphasise the availability of alcohol or encourage in any way the excessive consumption of alcohol. Reference will be made to the availability of non-alcoholic drinks"