Information and influence

Misinformation and cyber interference can undermine our social and business institutions and democratic processes. We have a deep and foundational understanding of the evolving field of information and influence. Our researchers forge new techniques to identify and address malicious activities designed to manipulate information and influence opinions.

We examine the actors and the agendas involved in deliberate disinformation and related campaigns, revealing the processes they use. We evaluate the direct intended impacts and the broader, often unintended flow-on effects in our communities.

Using a combination of artificial intelligence, mathematical and critical analysis, psychological, political and anthropological context and the provision of professional training, we help agencies, groups and individuals identify misinformation, recognise the risks, and effectively respond to subversive information threats.

Our capability draws on diverse expertise from a multi-disciplinary research team that includes computing and information systems, control theory, psychology, political science, behavioural science, anthropology and law.

Our capabilities

  • Misinformation analysis and ethics
  • Crowdsourcing for information operations
  • Critical thinking and information literacy
  • Natural language processing
  • Real time social media analytics
  • Cybersecurity threat assessments and responses
  • Adversarial machine learning
  • Human culture, communication and social influence
  • Politics, governance and legitimacy
  • Law and ethics of influence
Person using social media

Realtime Analytics Platform for Interactive Datamining (RAPID)

RAPID is a bigdata analytics platform that tracks social media data 24/7 and offers a unique topic tracking capability.
It uses query keyword and user expansion to track topics and related discussions, as well as various analytics capabilities to visualise the collected tweets, users and topics, and understand tweeting and interaction behaviours.

Explore social media analysis in realtime

Recognising, tracking and countering disinformation

Webinar series

From national elections to Covid-19, misinformation and disinformation can spread rapidly in new communication ecosystems.

This three-part webinar series will introduce participants to disinformation as a global phenomenon and learn how to recognise, track and prevent disinformation.

Find out more