Engineering Music Society (EMS)

The Engineering Music Society (EMS) is one of the largest on-campus instrumental music organisations outside the music faculty and provides an opportunity for students not studying music to continue to play in an ensemble.

We currently consist of an orchestra, concert band, 2 stage bands, and a choir - everyone is welcome to join (no auditions required!). All ensembles rehearse weekly for a couple of hours in the evening - members also come together to go to the pub after each rehearsal. EMS holds a public concert and a jazz gig every semester and also performs at several university and industry functions throughout the year. We also hold a rehearsal/social camp over a weekend near the beginning of each semester, BBQs, and game nights.

All musicians of any skill level or study background (NOT just engineering) are welcome!

If you are interested in joining EMS, you can reach out by emailing them, and check out their upcoming events via their Facebook, Instagram, and website 

Join EMS today!