Mallee resources


71 results found

  1. Mallee Waterway Strategy 2014 - 22

    The 2014-22 Mallee Waterway Strategy (MWS) is a key planning document for the region that sets priorities for the future management of our rivers, creeks and wetlands.

  2. Soil Survey of the Robinvale Irrigation Area

    Victorian Resources online - Mallee - The following historic report - "Soil Survey of the Robinvale Irrigation Area", covering the parts of the former Parishes of Bumbang and Toltol, County of Karkarook Victoria, was conducted in July 1951 by the former Department of Agriculture and covered an area of 14,165

  3. Nangiloc-Colignan Area - Soil Map Sheet 5

    Soil selections - Map 5 of 10. Division of Agricultural Chemistry (Field Operations), Department of Agriculture, Victoria, 1973

  4. A Soil Survey of the Red Cliffs Irrigation Settlement

    The following historic report " A Soil Survey of the Red Cliffs Irrigation Area" was published in 1941. It marked completion of the surveys in the irrigation settlements in the Mildura area at the time. The soil survey was carried out by the former Division of Soils, Council for Scientific

  5. A Soil Survey of the Mildura Irrigation Settlement

    The following historic report " A Soil Survey of the Mildrua Irrigation Settlement" was published in 1940, and marked completion of work in the Mildura settlement itself; as at Merbein. The soil survey was carried out by the former Division of Soils, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (now CSIRO),

  6. Managing avocado with less water in the Mallee

    Irrigators may be faced with managing avocado trees with less water due to dry seasonal conditions. In this situation a range of decisions may need to be made.

  7. SuniTAFE Smart Farm

    The SuniTAFE SMART Farm will be a state-of-the-art, purpose-built and grown, training and research facility that will utilise the latest innovations and best practices of digital farming to transform the way horticulture training will occur in the future.

  8. Mallee plants - surviving harsh conditions. Australian National Botanic Gardens.

    Use the Information Resource Notes and example Student Worksheets as resources for planning your excursion. Select questions that relate to the purpose of the excursion, cut and paste, modify and add your own activities.

  9. Soil Survey of the Robinvale Irrigation Area

    Victorian Resources online - Mallee - The following historic report - "Soil Survey of the Robinvale Irrigation Area", covering the parts of the former Parishes of Bumbang and Toltol, County of Karkarook Victoria, was conducted in July 1951 by the former Department of Agriculture and covered an area of 14,165

  10. Trends in water use relative to the sustainable diversion limit (SDL) in the southern Murray–Darling Basin 2020

    In 2020, the MDBA undertook analysis to better understand trends in water use in four key catchments in the southern Basin; the Murrumbidgee, NSW and Vic Murray and the Goulburn. The summary document Analysing trends in water use in the southern Basin and full report Trends in water use relative

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