The FlexSEM 1000 is a rapid and easy to use variable pressure SEM amenable to imaging both conductive and insulating specimens
The FlexSEM 1000 VP-SEM combines innovative technological features with an intuitive interface, to deliver adaptability and flexibility in a powerful, automated, lab-friendly package. Cutting-edge technology provides unrivaled imaging performance, even in variable-pressure environments, a feature previously only available in a full-sized SEM.
- Secondary electron (SE) detector for max resolution imaging at high vacuum
- Back-scatter electron (BSE) detector for high material contrast imaging at high and low vacuum
- Ultra-variable detector (UVD) for high resolution imaging at low vacuum and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging
- Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) for elemental identification and mapping
- Elemental range from boron (5) to californium (98)
- Can accept specimens up to 50 mm diameter and 40 mm thickness.
The FlexSEM 1000 can be operated by researchers or on a fee for service basis by MCFP platform staff. Trained users can book through the MCFP iLab booking system. Please contact Anders Barlow to arrange access or training.
Sample Preparation
As with all vacuum techniques cleanliness is key. Samples should be free from moisture and oils, adhered onto a substrate or to double-sided conductive adhesive tape. Mounting on SEM pin stubs is preferable, but the FlexSEM has many flexible mounting options, please discuss with the instrument manager if you are not sure.
Additional Resources
See Also
Helium ion microscopy and dual-beam nanofabrication
The Zeiss ORION NanoFab is an advanced scanning ion microscope that utilises an interchangeable dual-ion beam (helium and neon) for nanofabrication and sub-nanometre imaging.
Optical 2D/3D Digital Microscopy
The Hirox RH-2000 2D/3D microscope can create high resolution images and videos with excellent colour reproduction
Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy
The Renishaw inVia Qontor confocal Raman microscope is capable of spectroscopy, mapping and live focus/topography tracking