Spatial Metadata Automation

ARC-Linkage Project


This project aims to demonstrate that metadata and spatial data can be integrated within one spatial data set so that when the spatial data is updated, the metadata related to that data set is also updated. This makes it much simpler and easier for metadata to be updated by the user, as well, as ensuring that the metadata is current. The updating process will also be as automated as possible so any change in the spatial dataset will automatically update the metadata. If the management of metadata and spatial data is integrated, the lineage of the metadata could be updated automatically when the spatial data is updated.

About The Project

The research team has successfully developed four plug-ins to facilitate metadata automation in Geonetwork. This is part of Proof of Concept for Spatial Metadata Enrichment.  These plug-ins include:

  • Suggestion list plug-in: this plug-in provides a suggestion list based on previously searched terms. Using this Plug-in in Geonetwork, all subsequent searches benefit from previous searches. This facility provides a user-generated context for metadata creation and automation.
  • Tag Cloud plug-in: this plug-in provides a visual representation of user-generated search words and tags’ relative importance in Geonetwork’s user interface. The Cloud is enriched by user interactions on metadata records. Through this means, a user-generated taxonomy can be established.
  • Tag monitor plug-in: this plug-in automatically observes users' interaction with Geonetwork and collects users' recognition of and feedback on metadata records. The plug-in monitors every interaction of users including downloading, exploring metadata details, etc. It also asks users to submit new keywords, and agree or disagree with existing keywords.
  • Process-based data entry: this plug-in is a metadata data entry user interface that has been designed by metadata and data generation life cycle. Through this interface, the metadata entry process has been aligned with the spatial data creation life cycle. All associated data elements in a certain spatial data creation step are grouped and linked together in separate steps of metadata entry.

Spatial Metadata Automation


    1. SDI, Metadata and Updating Tool (2009); Rajabifard A, Kalantari M, Binns A; the refereed volume of the GSDI-11 Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in press
    2. Spatial Metadata Automation (2009); Kalantari M, Rajabifard A, Olfat H, SSC2009, Adelaide, Australia.
    3. Automatic Spatial Metadata Update: a New Approach (2010), Olfat H, Rajabifard A and Kalantari M, accepted as peer-reviewed paper, XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
    4. A synchronisation approach to automate spatial metadata updating process (2010), Olfat H, Rajabifard, A and Kalantari M, Coordinates Magazine, Vol. VI Issue 3, March 2010, pp. 27-32
    5. Automatic Spatial Metadata Enrichment: Reducing Metadata Creation Burden through Spatial Folksonomies (2010); Kalantari, M., Olfat, H., Rajabifard, A., Paper published in the GSDI 12 pre-conference refereed book.
    6. Exploring the Key Areas of Spatial Metadata Automation Research in Australia (2010); Olfat, H, Kalantari, M, Rajabifard, A, Williamson, I, Pettit, C, Williams, S, Paper presented in the refereed stream of the GSDI conference.

Research Team

Associate Professor Abbas Rajabifard, Chief investigator
Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration

Professor Ian Williamson, Chief investigator
Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration

Dr Christopher Pettit, Partner Investigator
Department of Primary Industries

Dr Mohsen Kalantari, Research Fellow (Contact Person)
Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration

Hamed Olfat, PhD Student
Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration

Industrial Partners

Spatial Metadata Automation_Australian GovernmentSpatial Metadata Automation_Department of PrimarySpatial Metadata Automation_Land and PropertySpatial Metadata Automation_AusSoftSpatial Metadata Automation_CubeVerxSpatial Metadata Automation_Logica